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Respectful Parenting – Finding resources

I was talking to friend and when she mentioned Montessori school- I stopped her and asked her what it meant, was it like public vs private school. I had heard this name often and was curious by then.

She was about to answer but mom-life, there was a loud noise in the background and she obviously had to rush to figure out what her super-quiet toddler was up-to πŸ˜€

Since it was the 4th time I had heard that phrase recently, I googled the word and there was a 2-line definition that immediately caught my attention. I don’t recall what it was now, but immediately found some resources and read about Montessori and got hooked.

As I mentioned in the previous post on respectful parenting, the more I read about it, the more natural and intuitive most of the concepts were and I kept applying what we learnt and it changed our dynamics.

I also found some good resources and till now read 1 chapter on each of these books – I need to find a way to break the 1-chapter streak πŸ˜€

Quick ways to find Montessori resources

One of the easy ways to find resources on respectful parenting is to google with keyword on front:


  • Montessori ways to handle meltdown
  • respectful ways to handle car seat troubles.

The top results are usually spot on and have amazing insights.

Resources List

Books I have come across so far in these resources:

Disclaimer: I have not read past 1 or 2 chapters in these books.

BookMontessori ToddlerSimone Davies
BookHow To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori WayTim SeldinThis one has wonderful pictures and even if you don’t have time to read it, you can still get lot of info, by just skimming through
BookNo-Drama DisciplineDaniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
BlogJanet LansburyI go here often to refill my cup – she has a knack for explaining the child’s viewpoint without guilt-tripping the parents.
TopicSchemasUnderstanding schema helps reduce lot of frustration especially when the baby/toddler’s communication skills are still developing.
TopicPrepared environmentYou don’t have to break your bank to prepare your child’s environment, simple changes can help your child be more independent.

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